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The safety of the wheels jacks and parking jacks is a responsibility that SIMOL has always taken very seriously: certain accidents can and must be prevented and avoided.

The support system is a crucial factor in the safety of a machine. Too often, poorly constructed or designed supports have lead to collapses, rollover and other dangerous situations. Sometimes the results are fatal, often they result in serious injury. 

Our supports are safe because they are designed with correctly sized high resistance components and high quality materials. For us it is essential that your product, be it a trailer or an industrial machinery, does not prove to be a danger to your customer.

Our assets

Our assets
Avoid sudden collapse

LONGER TUBE OVERLAP to avoid sudden collapse.
The first aspect of safety is very high flexural strength. This means using high-quality materials and correctly dimensioned components. 
Prevent the drawbar from falling

SCREW TRAVEL LIMIT AS STANDARD to prevent the drawbar from falling.
A uniform, travel limit system, calibrated and guaranteed, allows handling manoeuvres without any unpleasant surprises for the operator. 
To prevent the foot accidentally dropping

SAFETY SYSTEM ON THE THIRD SECTION to prevent the foot accidentally dropping.
You can never be too careful. A safety system on the jack third section provides the best guarantee against the foot dropping during manoeuvres. 

For this reason, Simol developed an innovative patented system, named "DROP LEG SAFETY SYSTEM".
This innovative device is completely integrated in the jack third section, providing so the great benefit of avoiding any inconvenience due to the outer chain mechanism (entanglement, wear, loss, theft).


No unexpected movement of the handle

HANDLE LOCKING SYSTEM to avoid unexpected movements.
The handle is a protruding part. The quick lock/unlock system, available on request, prevents any movement of the handle due to impact or vibration. 
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